Política de privacidad

Pri­vacy Policy

Bal­timore Re-entry Resources, Inc. d/​b/​a Return Home Bal­timore (“we,” us,” and our”) respects indi­vidu­al pri­vacy and val­ues the con­fid­ence of our com­munity, con­stitu­ents, and the gen­er­al pub­lic. This Pri­vacy Policy sets out the pri­vacy prin­ciples that we fol­low with respect to the col­lec­tion, use, and dis­clos­ure of inform­a­tion that you may provide through the www​.returnhome​.org web­site (the Web­site”), as well as through oth­er chan­nels, such as our paper forms and at our events you may attend.

Con­tact Details

Please read this entire Pri­vacy Policy before using the Web­site or sub­mit­ting inform­a­tion to Return Home Bal­timore. If you have any ques­tions regard­ing our Pri­vacy Policy. Please con­tact us at info@​returnhome.​org.

Inform­a­tion We Col­lect About You; Our Mission

Our mis­sion is to provide return­ing cit­izens in Bal­timore with a cent­ral hub of resources and inform­a­tion, and any inform­a­tion we col­lect serves to fur­ther our mission.

No Col­lec­tion of Per­son­al Inform­a­tion to Use Website

Users are NOT required to provide any per­son­al inform­a­tion to use our Web­site, includ­ing using the Web­site to search, retrieve, down­load, fil­ter and oth­er­wise use the inform­a­tion avail­able onre​turnhome​.org.

Per­son­al Inform­a­tion That You Vol­un­tar­ily Provide to Us

If you vol­un­tar­ily choose to provide us with per­son­al inform­a­tion, for example, by send­ing an email to info@​returnhome.​org to ask a ques­tion, or by sub­mit­ting inform­a­tion to provide resources to return­ing cit­izens via our Sub­mit a Resource” sec­tion, we will use that inform­a­tion to respond to your mes­sage and to help get you the inform­a­tion you reques­ted. Any email address provided in con­nec­tion with your ques­tion or sug­ges­tion will not be pub­licly view­able on the web­site. Return Home Bal­timore nev­er col­lects per­son­al inform­a­tion or cre­ates indi­vidu­al pro­files for com­mer­cial mar­ket­ing. We will not resell, share, or dis­close your email address or oth­er inform­a­tion you provide to us to third parties without your pri­or consent.

Should you con­tact Return Home Bal­timore by email or through the Sub­mit a Resource” sec­tion with a ques­tion and com­ment, do NOT include sens­it­ive per­son­al inform­a­tion, such as your Social Secur­ity num­bers and cred­it card information.

Auto­mat­ic­ally Col­lec­ted Non-per­son­al Information/​Data

When you vis­it returnhome​.org, we may store some or all of the fol­low­ing: the Inter­net pro­tocol (IP) address from which you access the site, date and time, the Inter­net address of the web­site from which you linked to returnhome​.org, the name of the file or words you searched, items clicked on a page, and the browser and oper­at­ing sys­tem used.

We use the fore­go­ing inform­a­tion in the form of sum­mary stat­ist­ics to meas­ure the num­ber of vis­it­ors to the vari­ous sec­tions of our site and to identi­fy sys­tem per­form­ance or prob­lem areas. We also use this inform­a­tion to help us devel­op the site, ana­lyze pat­terns of usage, and to make the site more use­ful. This inform­a­tion is not used for asso­ci­at­ing search terms or pat­terns of site nav­ig­a­tion with indi­vidu­al users.

Use of Cook­ies and Ana­lyt­ics Technology

When you vis­it a web­site, the com­puter you are using sends a small piece of inform­a­tion called a cook­ie to the web­site you are brows­ing. The main pur­pose of a cook­ie is to identi­fy and cus­tom­ize web pages for you. We use cook­ies for func­tion­al pur­poses to keep the con­tent of our Web­site up to date and run­ning. We also use cook­ies and ana­lyt­ics tools for ana­lyt­ic­al pur­poses to quanti­fy the vis­its on the Web­site and stat­ist­ics from the serv­er log.

There are two kinds of cookies:

  1. A ses­sion cook­ie is a line of text that is stored tem­por­ar­ily in your computer’s ran­dom access memory or RAM. Return Home Bal­timore cre­ates a ses­sion cook­ie when you vis­it, and des­troys it as soon as you close your browser.
  2. A per­sist­ent cook­ie from a web­site is saved to a file on your computer’s hard drive and is called up the next time you vis­it that web­site. This lets the web­site remem­ber what you were inter­ested in the last time you visited.

How to Modi­fy Cook­ies Setting

Most web browsers auto­mat­ic­ally accept cook­ies, but you can usu­ally modi­fy your browser set­ting to decline cook­ies if you prefer. See addi­tion­al inform­a­tion on dis­abling cook­ies and/​or Google demo­graph­ic and interests reports.

Note: Although using per­sist­ent cook­ies allows us to deliv­er a bet­ter exper­i­ence for you, this site will also work without them.

Google Maps

This site uses Google Maps API(s) to dis­play resources on the map. For addi­tion­al inform­a­tion regard­ing the Google Maps API(s) please ref­er­ence the Google Pri­vacy Policy.

Google Ana­lyt­ics

This site uses two spe­cif­ic Google Ana­lyt­ics fea­tures: Google Ana­lyt­ics Demo­graph­ics and Interest Report­ing. These fea­tures gen­er­ate inform­a­tion about a user’s age, gender and interests from Google’s Interest-based advert­ising or third-party audi­ence data to improve ser­vices on this web­site. This inform­a­tion is tracked using Google’s Double­Click cook­ie. Google Ana­lyt­ics, as con­figured on returnhome​.org, also uses first-party (per­sist­ent) cook­ies to: Dis­tin­guish unique users (last for up to 2 years if you nev­er clear your cook­ies) Throttle the request rate (last for up to 1 minute)

To provide web­site vis­it­ors more choice on how their data is col­lec­ted by Google Ana­lyt­ics, Google has developed an Opt-out Browser add-on, which is avail­able by vis­it­ing Google Ana­lyt­ics Opt-out Browser Add-on, to enable you to opt-out of Google’s programs.

Children’s Inform­a­tion

Our Web­site is not inten­ded for chil­dren under 13 years of age. We do not know­ingly col­lect per­son­al inform­a­tion from chil­dren under 13 years of age. If we dis­cov­er that a child under the age of 13 has provided us with per­son­al data, we will delete the child’s per­son­al data unless a par­ent or guard­i­an provides veri­fi­able con­sent to us.

Pri­vacy Issues and Links to Oth­er Sites

Our Web­site may con­tain links to oth­er third party web­sites. We have no con­trol over and are not respons­ible for the pri­vacy policy or con­tent of such sites.

Amend­ments and Updates

We will occa­sion­ally update this Pri­vacy Policy. Any changes to our Pri­vacy Policy will be pos­ted here, and we encour­age you to peri­od­ic­ally review this page for the latest inform­a­tion on our pri­vacy prac­tices and this Pri­vacy Policy.