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Out for Justice, Inc. (OFJ) is an organization comprised of individuals who are both directly and indirectly impacted by the criminal justice system advocating for the reform of policies and practices that adversely affect successful reintegration into society.
Call or chat with an attorney about a civil case for free, Monday-Friday from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm
ROAR’s staff of attorneys, paralegal, social workers, and a community health nurse manager work collaboratively to aid survivors of crime and violence in Baltimore City attain “justice”, autonomy, and self-worth, as defined and directed by them. ROAR provides free legal, social work, counseling/therapy, and nurse care management services. ROAR is committed to being low-barrier, trauma-informed, trauma-responsive, and victim-defined. A survivor of crime does not have to have filed a police report to receive services from ROAR. ROAR has no immigration status restrictions and serves people who make less than $70,000 per year plus an additional $5k per year for each dependent. We assist people who do not have IDs, who have criminal backgrounds, and those for whom a warrant may be outstanding.