Consumo de sustancias
My Sister's Place Women's Center
Proporciona desayunos y muchos otros recursos
Culinary and clerical training
Narcotics Anonymous
Support group for individuals who abuse narcotics, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, pills, and any other substance. Recovering addicts meet regularly to help each other stay drug free. Call for days and times of meetings. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using drugs. Confidential services. Free.
Neuropsychiatry Institute at Good Samaritan Hospital Russel Morgan Building
One Stop Job Center offering career exploration, referrals to training programs, resume preparation, and workshops to enhance job seeking skills and work readiness. Access computers with Internet access, printers, photocopiers, fax machines, telephones, and a variety of job search resource materials. Free.
Older Women Embracing Life OWEL
Support group for older Women who are living with HIV/AIDS. Networking and education gathering. Lunch provided. Monthly. Women only.