Employer Resources

Resources for Employers Interested in Becoming a Second Chance Employer

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Why become a second chance employer

75% of sur­veyed busi­ness lead­ers sur­veyed report that their second chance hires were just as or more depend­able than hires without crim­in­al records;

81% repor­ted that the cost-to-hire second chance employ­ees was the same or less for hires without crim­in­al records;

Second chance hires are more loy­al and have lower turnover rates;

Mil­len­ni­als now com­prise a huge per­cent­age of the work force and a major­ity of them want to work for a com­pany that has inclus­ive employ­ment policies and a com­mit­ment to cor­por­ate social responsibility.

Pub­lic safety is enhanced because second chance employ­ees are less likely to reoffend.

Employ­ers are strongly encour­aged to work with a non-profit or gov­ern­ment part­ner that has trained or can refer employ­ment-ready people. These organ­iz­a­tions spe­cial­ize in work­ing with return­ing cit­izens (formerly incar­cer­ated people) and oth­ers with crim­in­al back­grounds. They often provide sup­port to the per­son after he or she is employed, and they are always look­ing for second chance employ­er part­ners. See the list below of non-profits who work with return­ing cit­izens eager to return to work. 

Who can help?

The fol­low­ing Bal­timore-based organ­iz­a­tions can assist employ­ers look­ing to become a second chance employer.

Logo Turnaround Tuesday Revised Final 3991356793

Turn­around Tuesday

Con­tact: Jer­mi­etra Car­roll, Lead Reten­tion Spe­cial­ist (443) 7940672 email jcarroll@​turnaroundtuesday.​org.

Cfuf original logo

Cen­ter for Urb­an Families

2201 N. Mon­roe Street-Bal­timore, MD 21217

Phone: (410) 3675691-Web­site: https://​www​.cfuf​.org/​f​o​r​-​emplo…

Pivot program logo with bg

Pivot (Women Only)

901 North Milton Ave-Bal­timore, MD 21205.


Web­site: https://​www​.pivot​pro​gram​.org/

Additional Sources of Potential Employees

Amer­ic­an Jobs Cen­ters through­out the state-to find one near you, click here. https://​www​.dllr​.state​.md​.us/​e​m​p​l​o​y​m​e​n​t​/​r​e​e​n​t​r​y​.​shtml

Amer­ic­an Job Cen­ter in Bal­timore City- https://​www​.dllr​.state​.md​.us/​c​o​u​n​t​y​/​b​a​city/

Vehicles for Change- https://www.vehiclesforchange.…

Con­tact: Tza­dda Car­penter-Tcarpenter@​vehiclesforchange.​org4102429674

Mayor’s Office of Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment https://​moed​.bal​timore​city​.gov/

PRE­PARE for Parole-prepare-parole.org-Contact: kelli@pre​pare​-parole​.org4432071148

HTP Homes-Con­tact: Claudia Jones-changinglives@​htphomes.​org

A Great How-To Guide

How-to-We strongly recom­mend inter­ested employ­ers read busi­ness­man, Jef­frey Korzenik’s Untapped Tal­ent: How Second Chance Hir­ing Works for Your Busi­ness and the Com­munity. It is an excel­lent second chance employ­ment how-to guide that also includes tem­plates for screen­ing, recruit­ing and coach­ing doc­u­ments along with oth­er excel­lent resources.

Self assess­ment- Answer this 10-ques­tion sur­vey offered by the Soci­ety for Human Resource Man­age­ment. It will use your answers to gen­er­ate a report com­plete with tools and resources that can be used as you pre­pare to become a second chance employ­er. https://www.gettingtalentbackt…