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4910 Park Heights Ave Baltimore, MD 21215
Drop in center offering acupuncture, NA, AA, support groups, employment readiness, housing, clothing, GED classes, case management, job placement, job training. HIV/HepC testing and counselling. On site suboxone. Free day care for AA/NA meetings from 12-1 and 5:30-6:30 p.m. Open 6 a.m. until midnight. No appointment necessary. Women and men.
Rapid re-housing and shelter diversion program, coupled with intensive case management and short-term rental assistance, serving 150 families and individuals in Baltimore City and Baltimore County. Call for eligibility.
Assists veterans, active duty service members, their families and dependents, in securing benefits earned through military service. Under the Department of Veterans Affairs are five major programs: the Veterans Cemetery and Memorial Program; Charlotte Hall Veterans Home; the Veterans Service and Benefits Program, Outreach and Advocacy Program, and the Maryland Veterans Trust.