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222 East Redwood St. Baltimore, MD 21202
Turnaround Tuesday trains its participants to act on issues as leaders in their communities and in their workplaces. Through strategic partnerships with employers throughout the Baltimore region, Turnaround Tuesday has put over 600 (and counting!) Baltimore citizens to work in living wage jobs.Every Tuesday, participants, guests, and leaders gather at two training sites. We share our stories, listen to each other, and become leaders as we take part in this second chance jobs movement.
Available to those on pre-trial release, probation to the District Court, and voluntary participants. Referrals to community partners who specialize in training for employment in varying fields. General job training; resume building, interviewing, and communication skills. Specialized training in construction, food, solar panel training and plumbing. Programs are offered by the courts relative to the needs and experience of the individual. Graduation ceremonies are held quarterly for those working at least 30 days.