- County
- Baltimore City
Service Type
- Housing
- Food
- Job Training
- Job Training / Opportunities
- Job Opportunities
- Government IDs
- Parole & Probation
- Education
- Kids' Education (5-18)
- Adult Education (GED)
- Legal Services
- Mediation
- Expungement
- Tenant Rights
- Health
- Substance Use
- Mental Health
- Family Services
- Finance
- Support Group
- Medical
- Victim Services
- Veteran
- Health Resources
- Mentoring
- Disability Resources
- Service category
- Wraparound Services
- People Served

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Food Giveaway every Thursday
Food giveaways happen every Thursday in Belair Edison at 3501 Pelham Avenue, Baltimore 21213 from 4:30 until the food is gone. Bring your own bags.
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