Get Ready to Work!

Good news!

Mary­land employ­ers with more than 15 employ­ees can­not ask you about your crim­in­al record before your first in-per­son inter­view. You can be asked about your record in an in-per­son interview.

Find­ing work after incar­cer­a­tion is chal­len­ging but there are people who can help you.

Job Train­ing

Pre­par­ing to work is often more than learn­ing a par­tic­u­lar set of skills. Many return­ing cit­izens first need to address the trauma they have exper­i­enced in their lives before enter­ing the work­force. Some job train­ing pro­grams take this approach. Click on the photo below to search for those resources, or to speak to someone see the tele­phone num­bers at the bot­tom of this page.

Click here for Job Train­ing Resources

Job Oppor­tun­it­ies

If you are ready to work or are look­ing for a new job, click on the photo below to explore job oppor­tun­ity resources. If you would like to speak to someone, see the tele­phone num­bers lis­ted at the bot­tom of this page.

Click here for Job Opportunities

Job Training

For imme­di­ate help

Bal­timore City

The Reentry Cen­ter at North­w­est Career Center

Mondaw­min Mall

2401 Liberty Heights Ave, Suite 302

Bal­timore, Mary­land 21215

(410) 3967873

Click Here for Help Find­ing Your New Career. 


Turn­around Tuesday

Com­munity Out­reach Coordinator

Ms. Col­lie Thomas

(443) 4699560


Bal­timore County

Work­force Devel­op­ment Centers

Hunt Val­ley: (410) 8877940

Liberty Cen­ter: (410) 8878912

East­point: (410) 2889050 ext. 424

Bal­timore County Job-Seeker Services

Oth­er resources

State-wide reentry navigators

Mary­land Re-entry Nav­ig­at­ors lis­ted below are team of employ­ment spe­cial­ists whose role is to con­nect justice-involved job seekers with busi­nesses. They will con­nect you with the employ­ment oppor­tun­it­ies, skills and cre­den­tials, and oth­er loc­al resources you might need to become inde­pend­ent and successful.

Anne Arundel County
Linthic­um Amer­ic­an Job Center
West­ern Maryland
Wash­ing­ton County Amer­ic­an Job Center
Lower East­ern Shore
Lower Shore Amer­ic­an Job Center
4103418533, ext. 1216
Bal­timore City
East­side One-Stop Career Center
Prince George’s County
Prince George’s Amer­ic­an Job Center